Just won

If you’ve won even one soul’s trust

Loved one with no expectations

Given of yourself with no hesitation

You’ve earned your own respect

Sow good

That’s how I feel… so good

As you sow, so shall you reap

From a sapling to a tree

From a bonnet with the bee

The synapses grunt in glee

You wanna flee? Feel free

Go bananas, they’re getting fewer

Orchids? Now that’s a clever

Way to break my rhythm

Breathe ‘em, breathe deep

Don’t weep, you’re strong

Sweep it away, you creep

It’s dark, your soul

Did we lose it? Are we cool?

Complain much?

A typical phone conversation with me usually went like this:

“How are you doing?”

“Can’t complain.”

I’ve recently changed the response to: “Won’t complain”.

Why? You ask.

Well… I realised saying you can’t complain suggests you want to but for some reason can’t. Also, if, and when, you do complain, you sign a non-verbal agreement to listen to the asker’s complaint/s. This typically ends up with each one feeling their problems are bigger and more serious in comparison to the other’s – much like penis-envy, but the other way around. Not sure that makes sense. But… you get what I’m saying.

Not really a New Year’s resolution. And thus far, my response of “won’t complain” has me delighted at their response. Might even constitute the innards of another blog entry some day.


Just comical speak for colourful accounts of previously experienced situations, sans drama.

She was once asked why she appeared winsome. “Well”, she replied gently, “cause you lose most and somehow still manage to win some”. She later realised the ones won weren’t feathers as much as tethers.

And then there was a holy man in robes who boldly called out her “wicked vivacity”. She safely looked up into his glinting eyes and lowered hers immediately, feeling crushed beyond repair.

Win to Play

If life is a game, wouldn’t you want to win? However, someone has to lose so you can win. Chances are that you are the loser this time. Which means, you’re dead – literally! Ouch!!

In the spirit of sportsmanship, it is said that it’s participation that matters. Nevertheless, one can’t deny that it’s a competition; a race. A race to the finish. Begout because you were never given a chance to begin in the first place.

I’m done winning. Given a choice, I’d rather lose… happily, I might add. With a big smile.