Sow good

That’s how I feel… so good

As you sow, so shall you reap

From a sapling to a tree

From a bonnet with the bee

The synapses grunt in glee

You wanna flee? Feel free

Go bananas, they’re getting fewer

Orchids? Now that’s a clever

Way to break my rhythm

Breathe ‘em, breathe deep

Don’t weep, you’re strong

Sweep it away, you creep

It’s dark, your soul

Did we lose it? Are we cool?


When your back is against the wall

There will I be

Having your back

Not because you have mine

But because…

Do you really need a

A raison d’être

A reason, a purpose

A life of love

Of caring

Of giving

Of living


It comes once

It goes once

Betwixt the pain and pleasure

We spend it

Riding the storms


Till that once

When it fades away

Like the ethereal

That brings out your animal

The beast within

Brought out by the beasts without

Clamouring for favour

Fervour, flavour

Slaver… savour this moment

Slave… you’re not a knave

Be brave, be strong

You come alone you go alone

Carpe diem!

Slow seduction

The breezy whispers over the phone

A rippling cascade o’er every bone

Arresting arrector pili at the outset

A vainglorious finale, a grand fest

I’m amused to think you’re my muse

Is that why you’re looking for a ruse?

Your singular message at morn’s so quixotic

I indulge the rest of the day feeling all erotic

An awareness you usher in me, make me aquiver

Recalling your quirks, your eccentric behaviour

Memories etched on every single mm of mmoans

The smell of every zone, the taste of pheromones.