Sow good

That’s how I feel… so good

As you sow, so shall you reap

From a sapling to a tree

From a bonnet with the bee

The synapses grunt in glee

You wanna flee? Feel free

Go bananas, they’re getting fewer

Orchids? Now that’s a clever

Way to break my rhythm

Breathe ‘em, breathe deep

Don’t weep, you’re strong

Sweep it away, you creep

It’s dark, your soul

Did we lose it? Are we cool?

A Good Day

“Baby steps”, we said in unison. My friend, the psychologist and I. In a WhatsApp chat. She works. I don’t. I’d like to think I spend time on myself. Rather, in staying with it. It being in the here and now – the moment.

Life, they say, is made of moments. A string of moments. Sometimes these moments overlap, bringing on a feeling of déjà vu. To me, it’s like looking down a spiral and seeing some portions touch when viewed from certain angles.

Mistakes, oft-repeated mistakes, make me want to kick myself. But I’m lucky I’ve managed to retain a level of humour. Not to as high a degree as I would like though. Working on it. Baby steps…

That’s me

It takes effort to even write about it.