Complain much?

A typical phone conversation with me usually went like this:

“How are you doing?”

“Can’t complain.”

I’ve recently changed the response to: “Won’t complain”.

Why? You ask.

Well… I realised saying you can’t complain suggests you want to but for some reason can’t. Also, if, and when, you do complain, you sign a non-verbal agreement to listen to the asker’s complaint/s. This typically ends up with each one feeling their problems are bigger and more serious in comparison to the other’s – much like penis-envy, but the other way around. Not sure that makes sense. But… you get what I’m saying.

Not really a New Year’s resolution. And thus far, my response of “won’t complain” has me delighted at their response. Might even constitute the innards of another blog entry some day.

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