A Dick Ted

No sinews

No facial hair

No body odour

You’re not even fair

But the chocolate of your skin

Your long lashed eyes

Your firm but gentle lips

Evoke my moans and cries

I wait with bated breath

For a glimpse of you

Can’t believe it’s happening

Are you real? Is this true?

Just won

If you’ve won even one soul’s trust

Loved one with no expectations

Given of yourself with no hesitation

You’ve earned your own respect

Sow good

That’s how I feel… so good

As you sow, so shall you reap

From a sapling to a tree

From a bonnet with the bee

The synapses grunt in glee

You wanna flee? Feel free

Go bananas, they’re getting fewer

Orchids? Now that’s a clever

Way to break my rhythm

Breathe ‘em, breathe deep

Don’t weep, you’re strong

Sweep it away, you creep

It’s dark, your soul

Did we lose it? Are we cool?

That Sync-ing Feeling

Never happened. Will not happen. Maybe will? Is there still some hope left?

Speaking from my past relationships – and there are a few I’d rather forget – I’m now left more cynical; less optimistic.

Life has been a giver and a taker. With all the quirks one would expect from the diversity of partners, one has experienced both surprises and shocks. Only, unexpected.

Granted, one never knows what’s around the corner, but love and even friendship grows on you. A withering relationship from what was once a symbiotic bond takes the wind out of you, leaving you gasping like a goldfish.

In retrospect, I realise that I’ve never really been in sync with the ones I loved. There are so many feelings I didn’t express, or over- or under-expressed. Ugly incidents that could have been avoided, sheer appreciation and gratitude that should have been spoken out loud…

So this is a shout-out to all my friends and lovers. I’m sorry I wasn’t what you hoped I’d have been, but I’m grateful for every second of your presence in my life. You have made me realise how important you were and how precious you made me feel for all the time we spent in the bond we created together. So what if we were not entirely sync-ed, we certainly kept each other afloat.

Happy Friendship Day.