The Binding Factor

What holds us together? A glue of sorts. I’ve tossed the thought around in my head, like a million times.

We fall apart. And then we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves down and gather the courage to face up to whatever’s round the next corner. Until, of course, we just lose the will to do so and let things slide. But that’s for those who don’t use their sense of understanding what they’re up against.

Know thy enemy

Your enemy resides within your mind. Recognising your fears and teaching yourself to face them without flinching is merely the first step to overcoming said fears. Keeping oneself engaged in tasks and pastimes that give the much needed happiness is another avenue leading to some semblance of peace. Meditation helps. I find peace in music. Different genres for different moods and times of the day, or night. Aroma diffusers too help the zen journey.

Immersive experience

My most profound method of engagement is books. A close friend once called me an escapist because I get lost in the pages I read. I wish I too could write equally engaging content.

Therefore, it’s the mind, or rather, the intellect, that keeps it all together for us. There’s no friend closer or more intimate than one’s own mind.